Absolutely Amazing

Foodie blogger Olivia posted about her year of 2011 a while back and I often find myself daydreaming about how nice it would be to have a year so pleasant. Some might say it's the magic in her words, but take a look for yourself...you'll have a hard time not wishing you were a part of it. 
(below are just a few of my favorite portions from the post)

I lived in France for six weeks. I ate fruit from trees and mastered the art of doing nothing. I embarrassed myself often and felt humbled. I liked being alone, I wanted to stay forever. 

I spent invaluable time with a woman I deeply admire. She taught me how to photograph food and showed me what it means to possess infinite poise.

I was disenchanted by all things touristy. I felt guilty for being disappointed in Prague.

I came home, and everything was exactly how I left it.