How'd I Miss This?

Over the last few years I've collected massive amounts of inspiration files that take up a lot of space on my computer and are a huge pain to label where they've come from and categorize them into areas I'd like to reference later. Not until yesterday did I learn about Evernote. Apparently I'm a bit behind the times, which is sad since I have so many lovely things collected that I can't share since I'm at a loss about where they've come from. However, those days are over thanks to Evernote!!! I could use pinterest yes, but Evernote is MUCH easier to navigate and you can add notes to yourself like what exactly it was you wanted to share with everyone about that item as well as add a certain music file or a personal recording. If you (like me) are one of those out there going crazy about how to store and organize all the wonderful things you find or create then hop on over to and get your link love on!


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