Next Saturday!!!

So not only is our Open House next Saturday, May 8th, but it is the second annual P3 held by the good folks at 575 Pizzeria! Which leads me to the next point....the P3 makes its final stop at Golden Light Cantina which is next door to the store and I'm pretty excited to see the featured band of the evening. They go by "These United States" and I could probably listen to the lead singer's voice all day!

If you are not planning to attend the P3 please stop by NEST for a bit, Open House hours are from 5-8:30, and if you are participating in the P3 try to run over a little early from Rumors or RR for some hefty discounts and sample bags! Hope to see everyone out & about down here on 6th! Below is a tiny meet n' greet video about the band as well.

Trailer: These United States at Secret Garden from hoovesontheturf (sarahana) on Vimeo.


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